Security of Information, Threat Intelligence, Hacking, Offensive Security, Pentest, Open Source, Hackers Tools, Leaks, Pr1v8, Premium Courses Free, etc

  • Penetration Testing Distribution - BackBox

    BackBox is a penetration test and security assessment oriented Ubuntu-based Linux distribution providing a network and informatic systems analysis toolkit. It includes a complete set of tools required for ethical hacking and security testing...
  • Pentest Distro Linux - Weakerth4n

    Weakerth4n is a penetration testing distribution which is built from Debian Squeeze.For the desktop environment it uses Fluxbox...
  • The Amnesic Incognito Live System - Tails

    Tails is a live system that aims to preserve your privacy and anonymity. It helps you to use the Internet anonymously and circumvent censorship...
  • Penetration Testing Distribution - BlackArch

    BlackArch is a penetration testing distribution based on Arch Linux that provides a large amount of cyber security tools. It is an open-source distro created specially for penetration testers and security researchers...
  • The Best Penetration Testing Distribution - Kali Linux

    Kali Linux is a Debian-based distribution for digital forensics and penetration testing, developed and maintained by Offensive Security. Mati Aharoni and Devon Kearns rewrote BackTrack...
  • Friendly OS designed for Pentesting - ParrotOS

    Parrot Security OS is a cloud friendly operating system designed for Pentesting, Computer Forensic, Reverse engineering, Hacking, Cloud pentesting...
Showing posts with label Bounty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bounty. Show all posts

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Huntr-Com-Bug-Bounties-Collector - Keep Watching New Bug Bounty (Vulnerability) Postings

New bug bounty(vulnerabilities) collector

  • Chrome with GUI (If you encounter trouble with script execution, check the status of VMs GPU features, if available.)
  • Chrome WebDriver

# python3

*2024-02-20 16:14:47.836189*

1. Arbitrary File Reading due to Lack of Input Filepath Validation
- Feb 6th 2024 / High (CVE-2024-0964)
- gradio-app/gradio

2. View Barcode Image leads to Remote Code Execution
- Jan 31st 2024 / Critical (CVE: Not yet)
- dolibarr/dolibarr

(delimiter-based file database)

# vim feeds.db

1|2024-02-20 16:17:40.393240|7fe14fd58ca2582d66539b2fe178eeaed3524342|CVE-2024-0964|
2|2024-02-20 16:17:40.393987|c6b84ac808e7f229a4c8f9fbd073b4c0727e07e1|CVE: Not yet|
3|2024-02-20 16:17:40.394582|7fead9658843919219a3b30b8249700d968d0cc9|CVE: Not yet|
4|2024-02-20 16:17:40.395094|81fecdd74318ce7da9bc29e81198e62f3225bd44|CVE: Not yet|
5|2024-02-20 16:17:40.395613|111045c8f1a7926174243db403614d4a58dc72ed|CVE: Not yet|

  • This code is designed to parse HTML elements from, so it may not function correctly if the HTML page structure changes.
  • In case of errors during parsing, exception handling has been included, so if it doesn't work as expected, please inspect the HTML source for any changes.
  • If get in trouble In a typical cloud environment, scripts may not function properly within virtual machines (VMs).

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