Security of Information, Threat Intelligence, Hacking, Offensive Security, Pentest, Open Source, Hackers Tools, Leaks, Pr1v8, Premium Courses Free, etc

  • Penetration Testing Distribution - BackBox

    BackBox is a penetration test and security assessment oriented Ubuntu-based Linux distribution providing a network and informatic systems analysis toolkit. It includes a complete set of tools required for ethical hacking and security testing...
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  • Penetration Testing Distribution - BlackArch

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  • The Best Penetration Testing Distribution - Kali Linux

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  • Friendly OS designed for Pentesting - ParrotOS

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Thursday, November 16, 2017

Bash Script Purposed For System Enumeration, Vulnerability Identification And Privilege Escalation - MIDA-Multitool

Bash script purposed for system enumeration, vulnerability identification and privilege escalation.
MIDA Multitool draws functionality from several of my previous scripts namely SysEnum and RootHelper and is in many regards RootHelpers successor.
Besides functionality from these two previous scripts it incorporates some of it's own and as such aims to be a comprehensive assistant for operations and utilities related to system enumeration, vulnerability identification, exploitation and privilege escalation.

After a system has been succesfully compromised MIDA should be downloaded to the host in question either with git or wget, after it has been unpacked/cloned the shellscript needs to be made executable with chmod +x
Upon doing so it can be run on the target host. The options available to the user are below.
The 'Usage' option prints this informational message. The option 'System Enumeration' attempts to retrieve system information such as OS and kernel details, network status, processes, system logs and more. 'Common Utilities' checks for the existence of useful utilities such as telnet, netcat, tcpdump etc. 'External Utilities' opens a menu which lets you download external utilities that may prove to be helpful with further enumeration, vulnerability identification and privilege escalation.
Finally the option 'Cleartext Credentials' searches for text and web application files that contain certain keywords in order to find potential cleartext passwords.

Scripts available for download with MIDA


Saturday, October 28, 2017

Scripted Local Linux Enumeration and Privilege Escalation Checks - LinEnum v0.6

LinEnum will automate many of the checks that I’ve documented in the Local Linux Enumeration & Privilege Escalation Cheatsheet. It’s a very basic shell script that performs over 65 checks, getting anything from kernel information to locating possible escalation points such as potentially useful SUID/GUID files and Sudo/rhost mis-configurations and more.

General usage:
version 0.6
  • Example: ./ -k keyword -r report -e /tmp/ -t

  • -k Enter keyword
  • -e Enter export location
  • -t Include thorough (lengthy) tests
  • -r Enter report name
  • -h Displays this help text
Running with no options = limited scans/no output file
  • -e Requires the user enters an output location i.e. /tmp/export. If this location does not exist, it will be created.
  • -r Requires the user to enter a report name. The report (.txt file) will be saved to the current working directory.
  • -t Performs thorough (slow) tests. Without this switch default 'quick' scans are performed.
  • -k An optional switch for which the user can search for a single keyword within many files (documented below).

High-level summary of the checks/tasks performed by LinEnum:
  • Kernel and distribution release details
  • System Information:
    • Hostname
    • Networking details:
    • Current IP
    • Default route details
    • DNS server information
  • User Information:
    • Current user details
    • Last logged on users
    • Shows users logged onto the host
    • List all users including uid/gid information
    • List root accounts
    • Extracts password policies and hash storage method information
    • Checks umask value
    • Checks if password hashes are stored in /etc/passwd
    • Extract full details for ‘default’ uid’s such as 0, 1000, 1001 etc
    • Attempt to read restricted files i.e. /etc/shadow
    • List current users history files (i.e .bash_history, .nano_history etc.)
    • Basic SSH checks
  • Privileged access:
    • Determine if /etc/sudoers is accessible
    • Determine if the current user has Sudo access without a password
    • Are known ‘good’ breakout binaries available via Sudo (i.e. nmap, vim etc.)
    • Is root’s home directory accessible
    • List permissions for /home/
  • Environmental:
    • Display current $PATH
    • Displays env information
  • Jobs/Tasks:
    • List all cron jobs
    • Locate all world-writable cron jobs
    • Locate cron jobs owned by other users of the system
  • Services:
    • List network connections (TCP & UDP)
    • List running processes
    • Lookup and list process binaries and associated permissions
    • List inetd.conf/xined.conf contents and associated binary file permissions
    • List init.d binary permissions
  • Version Information (of the following):
    • Sudo
    • MYSQL
    • Postgres
    • Apache
      • Checks user config
      • Shows enabled modules
  • Default/Weak Credentials:
    • Checks for default/weak Postgres accounts
    • Checks for default/weak MYSQL accounts
  • Searches:
    • Locate all SUID/GUID files
    • Locate all world-writable SUID/GUID files
    • Locate all SUID/GUID files owned by root
    • Locate ‘interesting’ SUID/GUID files (i.e. nmap, vim etc)
    • List all world-writable files
    • Find/list all accessible *.plan files and display contents
    • Find/list all accessible *.rhosts files and display contents
    • Show NFS server details
    • Locate *.conf and *.log files containing keyword supplied at script runtime
    • List all *.conf files located in /etc
    • Locate mail
  • Platform/software specific tests:
    • Checks to determine if we're in a Docker container
    • Checks to see if the host has Docker installed


Tool to Detect Sandboxes and Analysis Environments in the Same Way as Malware Families Do - Pafish

Pafish is a demonstration tool that employs several techniques to detect sandboxes and analysis environments in the same way as malware families do.
The project is open source, you can read the code of all anti-analysis checks.

The objective of this project is to collect usual tricks seen in malware samples. This allows us to study them, and test if our analysis environments are properly implemented.

Pafish is written in C and can be built with MinGW (gcc + make).
Check out "How to build" for detailed instructions.

Alberto Ortega (@a0rtega - profile)

You can also download the executable of the latest stable version.


Advanced vulnerability scanning with Nmap NSE - Vulscan

Vulscan is a module which enhances nmap to a vulnerability scanner. The nmap option -sV enables version detection per service which is used to determine potential flaws according to the identified product. The data is looked up in an offline version of VulDB.

Please install the files into the following folder of your Nmap installation:

You have to run the following minimal command to initiate a simple vulnerability scan:
nmap -sV --script=vulscan/vulscan.nse

Vulnerability Database
There are the following pre-installed databases available at the moment:

Single Database Mode
You may execute vulscan with the following argument to use a single database:
--script-args vulscandb=your_own_database
It is also possible to create and reference your own databases. This requires to create a database file, which has the following structure:
Just execute vulscan like you would by refering to one of the pre-delivered databases. Feel free to share your own database and vulnerability connection with me, to add it to the official repository.

Update Database
The vulnerability databases are updated and assembled on a regularly basis. To support the latest disclosed vulnerabilities, keep your local vulnerability databases up-to-date.
If you want to update your databases, go to the following web site and download these files:
Copy the files into your vulscan folder:

Version Detection
If the version detection was able to identify the software version and the vulnerability database is providing such details, also this data is matched.
Disabling this feature might introduce false-positive but might also eliminate false-negatives and increase performance slighty. If you want to disable additional version matching, use the following argument:
--script-args vulscanversiondetection=0
Version detection of vulscan is only as good as Nmap version detection and the vulnerability database entries are. Some databases do not provide conclusive version information, which may lead to a lot of false-positives (as can be seen for Apache servers).

Match Priority
The script is trying to identify the best matches only. If no positive match could been found, the best possible match (with might be a false-positive) is put on display.
If you want to show all matches, which might introduce a lot of false-positives but might be useful for further investigation, use the following argument:
--script-args vulscanshowall=1

Interactive Mode
The interactive mode helps you to override version detection results for every port. Use the following argument to enable the interactive mode:
--script-args vulscaninteractive=1

All matching results are printed one by line. The default layout for this is:
[{id}] {title}\n
It is possible to use another pre-defined report structure with the following argument:
--script-args vulscanoutput=details
--script-args vulscanoutput=listid
--script-args vulscanoutput=listlink
--script-args vulscanoutput=listtitle
You may enforce your own report structure by using the following argument (some examples):
--script-args vulscanoutput='{link}\n{title}\n\n'
--script-args vulscanoutput='ID: {id} - Title: {title} ({matches})\n'
--script-args vulscanoutput='{id} | {product} | {version}\n'
Supported are the following elements for a dynamic report template:
  • {id} - ID of the vulnerability
  • {title} - Title of the vulnerability
  • {matches} - Count of matches
  • {product} - Matched product string(s)
  • {version} - Matched version string(s)
  • {link} - Link to the vulnerability database entry
  • \n - Newline
  • \t - Tab
Every default database comes with an url and a link, which is used during the scanning and might be accessed as {link} within the customized report template. To use custom database links, use the following argument:
--script-args "vulscandblink={id}"

Keep in mind that this kind of derivative vulnerability scanning heavily relies on the confidence of the version detection of nmap, the amount of documented vulnerebilities and the accuracy of pattern matching. The existence of potential flaws is not verified with additional scanning nor exploiting techniques.


Saturday, October 7, 2017

An Interactive Disassembler for x86/ARM/MIPS - Plasma

PLASMA is an interactive disassembler. It can generate a more readable assembly (pseudo code) with colored syntax. You can write scripts with the available Python api (see an example below). The project is still in big development.

wiki : TODO list and some documentation.

It supports :
  • architectures : x86{64}, ARM, MIPS{64} (partially for ARM and MIPS)
  • formats : ELF, PE, RAW
Warning: until structures and type definitions are not implemented, the database compatibility could be broken.

Optional :
  • python-qt4 used for the memory map
  • keystone for the script

Or if you have already installed requirements with the previous command :
./ --update
Check tests :
84/84 tests passed successfully in 2.777975s
analyzer tests...

Pseudo-decompilation of functions
$ plasma -i tests/server.bin
>> v main
# you can press tab to show the pseudo decompilation
# | to split the window
# See the command help for all shortcuts

Qt memory map (memmap)
The image is actually static.

Scripting (Python API)
See more on the wiki for the API.
Some examples (these scripts are placed in plasma/scripts) :
$ plasma -i FILE
plasma> py !             # print all strings
plasma> py ! FUNCTION    # xdot call graph
plasma> py !              # detect some crypto constants
plasma> py ! CODE            # assemble with keystone
plasma> py ! HEX_STRING   # disassemble a buffer


PowerShell Remote Download Cradle Generator and Obfuscator - Invoke-CradleCrafter

Invoke-CradleCrafter is a PowerShell v2.0+ compatible PowerShell remote download cradle generator and obfuscator.


Invoke-CradleCrafter exists to aid Blue Teams and Red Teams in easily exploring, generating and obfuscating PowerShell remote download cradles. In addition, it helps Blue Teams test the effectiveness of detections that may work for output produced by Invoke-Obfuscation but may fall short when dealing with Invoke-CradleCrafter since it does not contain any string concatenations, encodings, tick marks, type casting, etc.

Another important component of this research and tool development was to effectively highlight the high-level behavior and artifacts left behind when each cradle is executed. I have tried to highlight this information when you first enter a new cradle type in the interactive menus of the tool.

Ultimately, knowing more about each cradle's behavior and artifacts will help the Blue Team better detect these cradles. This knowledge should also benefit the Red Teamer in making more informed selections of which cradle to use in a given scenario.


While all of the cradles can be produced by directly calling the Out-Cradle function, the complexity of the moving pieces for all of the stacked obfuscated components makes using the Invoke-CradleCrafter function the easiest way to explorer and visualize the cradle syntaxes and obfuscation techniques that this framework currently supports.


The source code for Invoke-CradleCrafter is hosted at Github, and you may download, fork and review it from the repository. Please report issues or feature requests through Github's bug tracker associated with this project.

To install:
Import-Module ./Invoke-CradleCrafter.psd1

Release Notes
v1.0 - 2017-04-28 x33fcon (Gdynia, Poland): PUBLIC Release of Invoke-CradleCrafter.
v1.1 - 2017-05-11 NOPcon (Istanbul, Turkey): Added 3 new memory-based cradles:
  • PsComMsXml
  • PsInlineCSharp
  • PsCompiledCSharp Added 2 disk-based cradles:
  • PsBits
  • BITSAdmin


Thursday, September 21, 2017

A Tool That Enumerates Android Devices For Information Useful In Understanding Its Internals And For Exploit Development - Twiga

A tool that enumerates Android devices for information useful in understanding its internals and for exploit development. It supports android 4.2 to android 7.1.1

  • The most current ADB must be in your path and fully functional
  • The report name must not have any whitespace

  • Some information and files cannot be pulled higher up the SDK version due to strict SELinux policies and android hardening.
  • It can only run on one device at a time for now

To Do
  • Support for enumeration on a rooted device
  • Support enumeration on multiple devices at a time
  • Generate PDF report on the enumartuon data

Inspired by


An IoT Network Security Analysis Tool and Visualizer - ASTo

ASTo is security analysis tool for IoT networks. It is developed to support the Apparatus security framework. ASTo is based on electron and cytoscape.js. The icons are provided by Google's Material Design.

The application is still in prototyping stage, which means a lot of functionality is being added with each commit, along with massive changes in almost everything.


To Use
To clone and run this repository you'll need Git and Node.js installed on your computer. To download and install the app, type the following in your terminal:
# Clone this repository
git clone
# Go into the repository
cd apparatus
# Install dependencies
npm install
# to run the app
npm start
Because the app is still in prototype stage, it is best to keep up to date with the most recent commits. To do so, before starting the app, type:
# inside the apparatus directory

# update to latest
git pull
The first window (home screen) will ask you to choose which modeling phase would you like to perform analysis in. After you select a phase, a native dialog window will be displayed and ask you choose a file to load. By default, you can only choose .js or .json files.
You will find some example graphs in the graphs folder.


If you want to contribute that's great news. Check the contributing guide. The application is being developed on Mac. That means that new commits might introduce breaking changes in other platforms. Especially commits that involve access to the file system. If something is not working, don't hesitate to create an issue.
If you want to find out how the app works check the wiki.
You can check the project's planned features in the roadmap.


Advanced Web Shell - DAws

There's multiple things that makes DAws better than every Web Shell out there:
  1. Bypasses Security Systems(IPS, WAFs,etc) like Suhosin(uses up to 20 php functions just to get a command executed).
  2. Drops CGI Shells and communicate with them to bypass Security Systems.
  3. Uses the SSH Authorized Keys method to bypass Security Systems.
  4. Uses Shellshock in 2 methods to bypass Security Systems.
  5. Is completely Post Based and uses a XOR Encryption based on a random key that gets generated with every new session + private base64 functions to bypass Security Systems.
  6. Supports Windows and Linux.
  7. Finds a writeable and readable directory and moves there if it's a web directory; DAws will output everything in that found directory.
  8. Drops a php.ini and a .htaccess file that clears all disablers incase "suphp" was installed.
  9. Has an advanced File Manager.
  10. Everything is done automatically so there's nothing for the user to worry about.
  11. Open Source.
  12. and much more (check the source for more information; everything is well commented)



Web Service Security Assessment Tool - WSSAT

WSSAT is an open source web service security scanning tool which provides a dynamic environment to add, update or delete vulnerabilities by just editing its configuration files. This tool accepts WSDL address list as input file and for each service, it performs both static and dynamic tests against the security vulnerabilities. It also makes information disclosure controls. With this tool, all web services could be analyzed at once and the overall security assessment could be seen by the organization.

Objectives of WSSAT are to allow organizations:
  • Perform their web services security analysis at once
  • See overall security assessment with reports
  • Harden their web services
WSSAT’s main capabilities include:

Dynamic Testing:
  • Insecure Communication - SSL Not Used
  • Unauthenticated Service Method
  • Error Based SQL Injection
  • Cross Site Scripting
  • XML Bomb
  • External Entity Attack - XXE
  • XPATH Injection
  • Verbose SOAP Fault Message
Static Analysis:
  • Weak XML Schema: Unbounded Occurrences
  • Weak XML Schema: Undefined Namespace
  • Weak WS-SecurityPolicy: Insecure Transport
  • Weak WS-SecurityPolicy: Insufficient Supporting Token Protection
  • Weak WS-SecurityPolicy: Tokens Not Protected
Information Leakage:
  • Server or technology information disclosure
WSSAT’s main modules are:
  • Parser
  • Vulnerabilities Loader
  • Analyzer/Attacker
  • Logger
  • Report Generator
The main difference of WSSAT is to create a dynamic vulnerability management environment instead of embedding the vulnerabilities into the code.
This project has been developed as Term Project at Middle East Technical University (METU), Software Management master program.

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