Security of Information, Threat Intelligence, Hacking, Offensive Security, Pentest, Open Source, Hackers Tools, Leaks, Pr1v8, Premium Courses Free, etc

  • Penetration Testing Distribution - BackBox

    BackBox is a penetration test and security assessment oriented Ubuntu-based Linux distribution providing a network and informatic systems analysis toolkit. It includes a complete set of tools required for ethical hacking and security testing...
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  • Penetration Testing Distribution - BlackArch

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  • The Best Penetration Testing Distribution - Kali Linux

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  • Friendly OS designed for Pentesting - ParrotOS

    Parrot Security OS is a cloud friendly operating system designed for Pentesting, Computer Forensic, Reverse engineering, Hacking, Cloud pentesting...

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Parsing Logs for Advanced Attacks: A Comprehensive Guide

In this post, we will explore a Python script designed to parse logs containing url:user:pass data. These logs are instrumental in executing sophisticated attacks on various applications. The parsed information is stored using Google Drive, ensuring easy access and management.

You can download relevant logs from here.

Please note that this information is provided solely for educational purposes. I am not responsible for any misuse of this knowledge.

Overview of the Script

The script works by:

  • Listing all .txt files in a specified directory.
  • Reading lines from these files randomly without repetition.
  • Extracting URLs using regex patterns.
  • Saving the extracted results to a designated file.

Key Functions

  • list_txt_files(directory): Lists all .txt files in the specified directory.
  • read_random_file(files, directory): Reads lines from a randomly selected .txt file.
  • find_pattern(line, pattern): Finds all occurrences of a given pattern in a line.
  • save_results(destination_file, results, file_name): Saves the found results to the specified file.


Saturday, May 18, 2024

Analyzing APK Files for Security Vulnerabilities with APK Monster

As mobile applications become more integral to our daily lives, ensuring their security is paramount. Vulnerabilities in mobile apps can expose sensitive data, lead to unauthorized access, and compromise user privacy. To help address these challenges, we introduce APK Monster, a comprehensive tool for analyzing Android APK files for a wide range of security vulnerabilities.

Introducing APK Monster

APK Monster is designed to scan and analyze APK files against the OWASP Mobile Top 10 vulnerabilities and other common security issues. This powerful tool extracts critical information from the APK, examines its components, and identifies potential security weaknesses.

Key Features of APK Monster

1. String Extraction: Extracts all strings from XML, ARSC, TXT, and JSON files within the APK, helping identify hardcoded secrets like passwords, tokens, and API keys.

2. Permission Analysis: Checks for insecure permissions that may expose the app to unnecessary risks.

3. Cryptography Review: Identifies weak cryptographic practices within the app’s code.

4. Exported Component Detection: Highlights exported activities, services, receivers, and providers that could be accessed by malicious entities.

5. Storage Security: Scans for insecure storage locations used by the app.

6. Communication Security: Detects the use of insecure communication protocols, such as HTTP.

7. Authentication Practices: Reviews the app for insecure authentication practices.

8. Code Quality: Flags poor coding practices that may affect the app’s security.

9. Tampering Protections: Checks for mechanisms protecting the app from tampering.

10. Reverse Engineering: Looks for protections against reverse engineering, such as obfuscation.

11. Extraneous Functionality: Identifies unnecessary or debug functionalities left in the production code.

How to Use APK Monster

Using APK Monster is straightforward. Follow these steps to analyze an APK file:

1. Install Dependencies:

Ensure you have the necessary Python packages installed:

 pip install androguard termcolor tqdm

2. Run the Tool:

Execute the script with the path to your APK file and the output file for the results:

python path/to/your.apk path/to/output.txt

Understanding the Results

APK Monster generates a detailed report highlighting each aspect of the APK’s security. The report categorizes issues and provides clear indications of potential vulnerabilities. For instance:

Hardcoded Secrets: Reveals any hardcoded credentials or sensitive information.

Insecure Permissions: Lists permissions that could expose the app to risks.

Weak Cryptography: Points out cryptographic algorithms that are considered weak or outdated.

Exported Components: Identifies components that are unnecessarily exposed and could be targeted by attackers.

Why APK Monster?

APK Monster stands out due to its comprehensive approach, covering a broad spectrum of vulnerabilities as outlined by the OWASP Mobile Top 10. It is a valuable tool for security researchers, developers, and penetration testers looking to ensure their apps are secure.

Download APK Monster


Saturday, May 11, 2024

Harnessing the Deep and Dark Web for Cyber Threat Intelligence

As cyber threats evolve, so must our strategies to combat them. The deepdarkCTI project serves as a crucial resource, offering access to a curated collection of intelligence from the Deep and Dark Web. This repository is a goldmine for those in cyber security, providing tools and data that are pivotal for both defensive measures and offensive strategies.

From detailed exploits and vulnerability patches found in obscure forums, to the tracking of ransomware groups' tactics and communication in encrypted channels—every piece of data can be leveraged. Moreover, our community-driven approach allows enthusiasts and professionals to contribute and stay ahead with the latest tactics and techniques discussed in our dedicated Telegram group.

For individuals looking to delve deeper or contribute, detailed methodologies for source analysis are available, ensuring that every user can effectively apply this intelligence. Whether you’re defending an organization or testing its defenses, the insights gained from these sources are invaluable.

Join and contribute to the deepdarkCTI project today to stay at the forefront of cybersecurity intelligence.

Explore more on GitHub


Gtfocli - GTFO Command Line Interface For Easy Binaries Search Commands That Can Be Used To Bypass Local Security Restrictions In Misconfigured Systems

GTFOcli it's a Command Line Interface for easy binaries search commands that can be used to bypass local security restrictions in misconfigured systems.


Using go:

go install

Using homebrew:

brew tap cmd-tools/homebrew-tap
brew install gtfocli

Using docker:

docker pull cmdtoolsowner/gtfocli


Search for unix binaries

Search for binary tar:

gtfocli search tar

Search for binary tar from stdin:

echo "tar" | gtfocli search

Search for binaries located into file;

cat myBinaryList.txt

gtfocli search -f myBinaryList.txt

Search for windows binaries

Search for binary Winget.exe:

gtfocli search Winget --os windows

Search for binary Winget from stdin:

echo "Winget" | gtfocli search --os windows

Search for binaries located into file:

cat windowsExecutableList.txt

gtfocli search -f windowsExecutableList.txt --os windows

Search for binary Winget and print output in yaml format (see -h for available formats):

gtfocli search Winget -o yaml --os windows

Search using dockerized solution


Search for binary Winget and print output in yaml format:

docker run -i cmdtoolsowner/gtfocli search Winget -o yaml --os windows

Search for binary tar and print output in json format:

echo 'tar' | docker run -i cmdtoolsowner/gtfocli search -o json

Search for binaries located into file mounted as volume in the container:

cat myBinaryList.txt

docker run -i -v $(pwd):/tmp cmdtoolsowner/gtfocli search -f /tmp/myBinaryList.txt


An example of common use case for gtfocli is together with find:

find / -type f \( -perm 04000 -o -perm -u=s \) -exec gtfocli search {} \; 2>/dev/null


find / -type f \( -perm 04000 -o -perm -u=s \) 2>/dev/null | gtfocli search


Thanks to GTFOBins and LOLBAS, without these projects gtfocli would never have come to light.


You want to contribute to this project? Wow, thanks! So please just fork it and send a pull request.


Moukthar - Android Remote Administration Tool

Remote adminitration tool for android

  • Notifications listener
  • SMS listener
  • Phone call recording
  • Image capturing and screenshots
  • Persistence
  • Read & write contacts
  • List installed applications
  • Download & upload files
  • Get device location

  • Clone repository console git clone
  • Move server files to /var/www/html/ and install dependencies console mv moukthar/Server/* /var/www/html/ cd /var/www/html/c2-server composer install cd /var/www/html/web\ socket/ composer install The default credentials are username: android and password: the rastafarian in you
  • Set database credentials in c2-server/.env and web socket/.env
  • Execute database.sql
  • Start web socket server or deploy as service in linux console php Server/web\ socket/App.php # OR sudo mv Server/websocket.service /etc/systemd/system/ sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable websocket.service sudo systemctl start websocket.service
  • Modify /etc/apache2/apache2.conf xml <Directory /var/www/html/c2-server> Options -Indexes DirectoryIndex app.php AllowOverride All Require all granted </Directory>
  • Set C2 server and web socket server address in client functionality/ ```java public static final String C2_SERVER = "http://localhost";

public static final String WEB_SOCKET_SERVER = "ws://localhost:8080"; ``` - Compile APK using Android Studio and deploy to target

  • Auto scroll logs on dashboard


LeakSearch - Search & Parse Password Leaks

LeakSearch is a simple tool to search and parse plain text passwords using ProxyNova COMB (Combination Of Many Breaches) over the Internet. You can define a custom proxy and you can also use your own password file, to search using different keywords: such as user, domain or password.

In addition, you can define how many results you want to display on the terminal and export them as JSON or TXT files. Due to the simplicity of the code, it is very easy to add new sources, so more providers will be added in the future.

  • Python 3
  • Install requirements


It is recommended to clone the complete repository or download the zip file. You can do this by running the following command:

git clone

  _               _     ____                      _     
| | ___ __ _| | __/ ___| ___ __ _ _ __ ___| |__
| | / _ \/ _` | |/ /\___ \ / _ \/ _` | '__/ __| '_ \
| |__| __/ (_| | < ___) | __/ (_| | | | (__| | | |
|_____\___|\__,_|_|\_\|____/ \___|\__,_|_| \___|_| |_|

------------------- by @JoelGMSec -------------------

usage: [-h] [-d DATABASE] [-k KEYWORD] [-n NUMBER] [-o OUTPUT] [-p PROXY]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DATABASE, --database DATABASE
Database used for the search (ProxyNova or LocalDataBase)
-k KEYWORD, --keyword KEYWORD
Keyword (user/domain/pass) to search for leaks in the DB
-n NUMBER, --number NUMBER
Number of results to show (default is 20)
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Save the results as json or txt into a file
-p PROXY, --proxy PROXY
Set HTTP/S proxy (like http://localhost:8080)

The detailed guide of use can be found at the following link:


This project is licensed under the GNU 3.0 license - see the LICENSE file for more details.


Huntr-Com-Bug-Bounties-Collector - Keep Watching New Bug Bounty (Vulnerability) Postings

New bug bounty(vulnerabilities) collector

  • Chrome with GUI (If you encounter trouble with script execution, check the status of VMs GPU features, if available.)
  • Chrome WebDriver

# python3

*2024-02-20 16:14:47.836189*

1. Arbitrary File Reading due to Lack of Input Filepath Validation
- Feb 6th 2024 / High (CVE-2024-0964)
- gradio-app/gradio

2. View Barcode Image leads to Remote Code Execution
- Jan 31st 2024 / Critical (CVE: Not yet)
- dolibarr/dolibarr

(delimiter-based file database)

# vim feeds.db

1|2024-02-20 16:17:40.393240|7fe14fd58ca2582d66539b2fe178eeaed3524342|CVE-2024-0964|
2|2024-02-20 16:17:40.393987|c6b84ac808e7f229a4c8f9fbd073b4c0727e07e1|CVE: Not yet|
3|2024-02-20 16:17:40.394582|7fead9658843919219a3b30b8249700d968d0cc9|CVE: Not yet|
4|2024-02-20 16:17:40.395094|81fecdd74318ce7da9bc29e81198e62f3225bd44|CVE: Not yet|
5|2024-02-20 16:17:40.395613|111045c8f1a7926174243db403614d4a58dc72ed|CVE: Not yet|

  • This code is designed to parse HTML elements from, so it may not function correctly if the HTML page structure changes.
  • In case of errors during parsing, exception handling has been included, so if it doesn't work as expected, please inspect the HTML source for any changes.
  • If get in trouble In a typical cloud environment, scripts may not function properly within virtual machines (VMs).


Wednesday, March 13, 2024

BackDoorSim - An Educational Into Remote Administration Tools

BackdoorSim is a remote administration and monitoring tool designed for educational and testing purposes. It consists of two main components: ControlServer and BackdoorClient. The server controls the client, allowing for various operations like file transfer, system monitoring, and more.


This tool is intended for educational purposes only. Misuse of this software can violate privacy and security policies. The developers are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this software. Always ensure you have permission to use this tool in your intended environment.

  • File Transfer: Upload and download files between server and client.
  • Screenshot Capture: Take screenshots from the client's system.
  • System Information Gathering: Retrieve detailed system and security software information.
  • Camera Access: Capture images from the client's webcam.
  • Notifications: Send and display notifications on the client system.
  • Help Menu: Easy access to command information and usage.


To set up BackdoorSim, you will need to install it on both the server and client machines.

  1. Clone the repository:

shell $ git clone

  1. Navigate to the project directory:

shell $ cd BackDoorSim

  1. Install the required dependencies:

shell $ pip install -r requirements.txt


After starting both the server and client, you can use the following commands in the server's command prompt:

  • upload [file_path]: Upload a file to the client.
  • download [file_path]: Download a file from the client.
  • screenshot: Capture a screenshot from the client.
  • sysinfo: Get system information from the client.
  • securityinfo: Get security software status from the client.
  • camshot: Capture an image from the client's webcam.
  • notify [title] [message]: Send a notification to the client.
  • help: Display the help menu.


BackDoorSim is developed for educational purposes only. The creators of BackDoorSim are not responsible for any misuse of this tool. This tool should not be used in any unauthorized or illegal manner. Always ensure ethical and legal use of this tool.

DepNot: RansomwareSim

If you are interested in tools like BackdoorSim, be sure to check out my recently released RansomwareSim tool

BackdoorSim: An Educational into Remote Administration Tools

If you want to read our article about Backdoor


Contributions, suggestions, and feedback are welcome. Please create an issue or pull request for any contributions. 1. Fork the repository. 2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix. 3. Make your changes and commit them. 4. Push your changes to your forked repository. 5. Open a pull request in the main repository.


For any inquiries or further information, you can reach me through the following channels:


CVE-2024-23897 - Jenkins <= 2.441 & <= LTS 2.426.2 PoC And Scanner

Exploitation and scanning tool specifically designed for Jenkins versions <= 2.441 & <= LTS 2.426.2. It leverages CVE-2024-23897 to assess and exploit vulnerabilities in Jenkins instances.


Ensure you have the necessary permissions to scan and exploit the target systems. Use this tool responsibly and ethically.

python -t <target> -p <port> -f <file>


python -i <input_file> -f <file>

Parameters: - -t or --target: Specify the target IP(s). Supports single IP, IP range, comma-separated list, or CIDR block. - -i or --input-file: Path to input file containing hosts in the format of (one per line). - -o or --output-file: Export results to file (optional). - -p or --port: Specify the port number. Default is 8080 (optional). - -f or --file: Specify the file to read on the target system.


[27th January 2024] - Feature Request
  • Added scanning/exploiting via input file with hosts (-i INPUT_FILE).
  • Added export to file (-o OUTPUT_FILE).

[26th January 2024] - Initial Release
  • Initial release.


Contributions are welcome. Please feel free to fork, modify, and make pull requests or report issues.


Alexander Hagenah - URL - Twitter


This tool is meant for educational and professional purposes only. Unauthorized scanning and exploiting of systems is illegal and unethical. Always ensure you have explicit permission to test and exploit any systems you target.


swaggerHole - A Python3 Script Searching For Secret On Swaggerhub


This tool is made to automate the process of retrieving secrets in the public APIs on [swaggerHub]( This tool is multithreaded and pipe mode is available :) 


 - python3 (sudo apt install python3) - pip3 (sudo apt install python3-pip) ## Installation
pip3 install swaggerhole
or cloning this repository and running
git clone
pip3 install .


   _____ _      __ ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ___   _____
/ ___/| | /| / // __ `// __ `// __ `// _ \ / ___/
(__ ) | |/ |/ // /_/ // /_/ // /_/ // __// /
/____/ |__/|__/ \__,_/ \__, / \__, / \___//_/
__ __ __ /____/ /____/
/ / / /____ / /___
/ /_/ // __ \ / // _ \
/ __ // /_/ // // __/
/_/ /_/ \____//_/ \___/

usage: swaggerhole [-h] [-s SEARCH] [-o OUT] [-t THREADS] [-j] [-q] [-du] [-de]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SEARCH, --search SEARCH
Term to search
-o OUT, --out OUT Output directory
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Threads number (Default 25)
-j, --json Json ouput
-q, --quiet Remove banner
-du, --deactivate_url
Deactivate the URL filtering
-de, --deactivate_email
Deactivate the email filtering

Search for secret about a domain

swaggerHole -s

echo | swaggerHole

Search for secret about a domain and output to json

swaggerHole -s --json

echo | swaggerHole --json

Search for secret about a domain and do it fast :)

swaggerHole -s -t 100

echo | swaggerHole -t 100

Output explanation

Normal output

 `Finding_Type - Finding - [Swagger_Name][Date_Last_Update][Line:Number]` 

Json output

 `{"Finding_Type": Finding, "File": File_path, "Date": Date_Last_Update, "Line": Number}` 

Deactivate url/email 

Using -du or -de remove the filtering done by the tool. There is more false positive with those options. 

Friday, February 23, 2024

RepoReaper - An Automated Tool Crafted To Meticulously Scan And Identify Exposed .Git Repositories Within Specified Domains And Their Subdomains

RepoReaper is a precision tool designed to automate the identification of exposed .git repositories across a list of domains and subdomains. By processing a user-provided text file with domain names, RepoReaper systematically checks each for publicly accessible .git files. This enables rapid assessment and protection against information leaks, making RepoReaper an essential resource for security teams and web developers.

  • Automated scanning of domains and subdomains for exposed .git repositories.
  • Streamlines the detection of sensitive data exposures.
  • User-friendly command-line interface.
  • Ideal for security audits and Bug Bounty.


Clone the repository and install the required dependencies:

git clone
cd RepoReaper
pip install -r requirements.txt
chmod +x


RepoReaper is executed from the command line and will prompt for the path to a file containing a list of domains or subdomains to be scanned.

To start RepoReaper, simply run:


Upon execution, RepoReaper will ask for the path to the file containing the domains or subdomains: Enter the path of the file containing domains

Provide the path to your text file when prompted. The file should contain one domain or subdomain per line, like so:

RepoReaper will then proceed to scan the provided domains or subdomains for exposed .git repositories and report its findings. 


This tool is intended for educational purposes and security research only. The user assumes all responsibility for any damages or misuse resulting from its use.


SploitScan - A Sophisticated Cybersecurity Utility Designed To Provide Detailed Information On Vulnerabilities And Associated Proof-Of-Concept (PoC) Exploits

SploitScan is a powerful and user-friendly tool designed to streamline the process of identifying exploits for known vulnerabilities and their respective exploitation probability. Empowering cybersecurity professionals with the capability to swiftly identify and apply known and test exploits. It's particularly valuable for professionals seeking to enhance their security measures or develop robust detection strategies against emerging threats.

  • CVE Information Retrieval: Fetches CVE details from the National Vulnerability Database.
  • EPSS Integration: Includes Exploit Prediction Scoring System (EPSS) data, offering a probability score for the likelihood of CVE exploitation, aiding in prioritization.
  • PoC Exploits Aggregation: Gathers publicly available PoC exploits, enhancing the understanding of vulnerabilities.
  • CISA KEV: Shows if the CVE has been listed in the Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) of CISA.
  • Patching Priority System: Evaluates and assigns a priority rating for patching based on various factors including public exploits availability.
  • Multi-CVE Support and Export Options: Supports multiple CVEs in a single run and allows exporting the results to JSON and CSV formats.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Easy to use, providing clear and concise information.
  • Comprehensive Security Tool: Ideal for quick security assessments and staying informed about recent vulnerabilities.




Enter one or more CVE IDs to fetch data. Separate multiple CVE IDs with spaces.


Optional: Export the results to a JSON or CSV file. Specify the format: 'json' or 'csv'.


Patching Prioritization System

The Patching Prioritization System in SploitScan provides a strategic approach to prioritizing security patches based on the severity and exploitability of vulnerabilities. It's influenced by the model from CVE Prioritizer, with enhancements for handling publicly available exploits. Here's how it works:

  • A+ Priority: Assigned to CVEs listed in CISA's KEV or those with publicly available exploits. This reflects the highest risk and urgency for patching.
  • A to D Priority: Based on a combination of CVSS scores and EPSS probability percentages. The decision matrix is as follows:
  • A: CVSS score >= 6.0 and EPSS score >= 0.2. High severity with a significant probability of exploitation.
  • B: CVSS score >= 6.0 but EPSS score < 0.2. High severity but lower probability of exploitation.
  • C: CVSS score < 6.0 and EPSS score >= 0.2. Lower severity but higher probability of exploitation.
  • D: CVSS score < 6.0 and EPSS score < 0.2. Lower severity and lower probability of exploitation.

This system assists users in making informed decisions on which vulnerabilities to patch first, considering both their potential impact and the likelihood of exploitation. Thresholds can be changed to your business needs.


[17th February 2024] - Enhancement Update
  • Additional Information: Added further information such as references & vector string
  • Removed: Star count in publicly available exploits

[15th January 2024] - Enhancement Update
  • Multiple CVE Support: Now capable of handling multiple CVE IDs in a single execution.
  • JSON and CSV Export: Added functionality to export results to JSON and CSV files.
  • Enhanced CVE Display: Improved visual differentiation and information layout for each CVE.
  • Patching Priority System: Introduced a priority rating system for patching, influenced by various factors including the availability of public exploits.

[13th January 2024] - Initial Release
  • Initial release of SploitScan.


Contributions are welcome. Please feel free to fork, modify, and make pull requests or report issues.


Alexander Hagenah - URL - Twitter


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