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Thursday, May 30, 2024

Parsing Logs for Advanced Attacks: A Comprehensive Guide

In this post, we will explore a Python script designed to parse logs containing url:user:pass data. These logs are instrumental in executing sophisticated attacks on various applications. The parsed information is stored using Google Drive, ensuring easy access and management.

You can download relevant logs from here.

Please note that this information is provided solely for educational purposes. I am not responsible for any misuse of this knowledge.

Overview of the Script

The script works by:

  • Listing all .txt files in a specified directory.
  • Reading lines from these files randomly without repetition.
  • Extracting URLs using regex patterns.
  • Saving the extracted results to a designated file.

Key Functions

  • list_txt_files(directory): Lists all .txt files in the specified directory.
  • read_random_file(files, directory): Reads lines from a randomly selected .txt file.
  • find_pattern(line, pattern): Finds all occurrences of a given pattern in a line.
  • save_results(destination_file, results, file_name): Saves the found results to the specified file.


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